Rob Ostrander Environmental Portrait
Robert "Rob" Ostrander is a bartender at GameTime Sportsbar & Grill in Lebanon, Oregon. Rob is an Alaskan native that found his way to the Northwest for school and family. After high school Rob joined the Marines, serving for four years. After completing his contract with the Marines, he re-enlisted with the military but this time with the Air Force. He served a further six years in the Air Force before a serious injury from a train's third rail in Norway caused him to be medically discharged. After his military service he came back to the Pacific Northwest because his immediate family lived in Washington. He studied Pre-Pharmacy at Oregon State University. Eventually Rob settled in Lebanon and while looking for work he found himself in the food service industry. He was drawn to this line of work due to prior work experience in the industry. Rob was a critical staff member for, at the time in 2017, start-up Conversion Brewing in Lebanon where he bartended and brewed beer. In 2021, he began working at GameTime as a bartender, where he still is now. Rob says his favorite part of the job is the social aspect where he gets to connect with members of the community, and his least favorite aspect is the late nights staying until closing. Overall Rob really enjoys his job and the bartending industry. October 29, 2022
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